Markus Wasmeier Open-Air Museum – The Fascination of the Bee

In the Markus Wasmeier open-air museum Schliersee, a barn was built a few years ago on the edge of the forest next to the historic bee house, which houses a glass beehive. There, visitors can observe a living bee colony up close without disturbing the animals. The surrounding lush mountain meadows and the near edge of the forest offer the bees good sources of food.
Now more exciting exhibits have been added, which illustrate the history of beekeeping. The visitors experience the world of bees - from their original habitat in tree hollows in the forest to the historical development of beekeeping (including honey harvesting) and modern beekeeping - with its current problems. Furthermore new ways and techniques of a close-to-nature beekeeping are presented to the audience.
Bees are pollinators

Bees are an integral part of nature and are indispensable for life on earth. Flying from flower to flower, collecting nectar and pollen, they pollinate the plants. This is an extremely important task for all of us and not only the honeybees but also many wild bee species are involved.
Bees provide honey

Even the ancient Egyptians appreciated the honeybee as the maker of the "sweet gold". How beekeeping has changed over time can be discovered at the edge of the forest: from the log hive to the bee skept to the magazine beehive that is in use today.
We have already visited the bee path in the Markus Wasmeier open-air museum Schliersee. Absolutely a worthwhile excursion, as you can see in the video!

On a journey of discovery with honeybee Pauline

But what about a beehive with tens of thousands of bees? What does it look like there? Who takes over which tasks and how can honeybees be kept close to nature?
Answers to these questions and even more you will find out on your journey of discovery with the honeybee Pauline. She tells you everything you always wanted to know about bees! With the museum app you can find out more interesting information at the individual stations. Would you like a little taste? Listen right now!
The changing world of bees
What does a near-natural beekeeping look like? How do bees stay healthy and resilient? And how can they perform their task determined by nature, to pollinate plants, well?
Research projects such as those supported by the Audi Environmental Foundation are investigating these questions. Sometimes a look back into the world of the "forest bee" can help. A world in which many undiscovered surprises are still waiting.