“Mission to Net Zero” - Audi Foundation at the GREENTECH FESTIVAL in Berlin

The Audi Environmental Foundation has been represented at Europe's largest sustainability conference with its project partners and vivid exhibits since 2020. The GREENTECH FESTIVAL offers people, organizations and companies a global platform for mutual exchange. Green technologies are presented and people are encouraged to actively protect the environment.

11/23/2023 Reading Time: 1 min

From June 14 to 16, the GREENTECH FESTIVAL took place under the motto “Mission to Net Zero” at the Urban Tech Republic site of the former Tegel Airport in Berlin. More than 190 exhibitors presented their sustainable innovations.


The Audi Environmental Foundation presented a selection of its current Greenovation projects relating to the protection of water resources at the festival, including a partner initiative to clean up coastal areas in the USA. The environmental organization Save The Bay in California and the Chesapeake Bay Foundation on the US East Coast are committed to preserving coastal waters as healthy and resilient ecosystems.


In Thailand, the foundation is working with the Ferry Porsche Foundation and everwave to promote the use of a smart waste collection boat to remove plastic waste from rivers and canals around the capital Bangkok. In addition to the clean-ups, the first structures for proper waste disposal will also be set up locally.


In the URBANFILTER project, which was presented at one of the panels, TU Berlin is developing innovative filter modules for street runoff with the support of the Audi Environmental Foundation. Tests in the TU Berlin laboratory showed that the filters work very effectively. During their test phase, they managed to retain “real” street sweepings, cigarette filters, microplastics in the form of plastic granules up to three millimetres in size, candy wrappers and even tire abrasion without clogging. And not only in light drizzle, but also in heavy rain.


The Audi Environmental Foundation is delighted to be part of the GREENTECH FESTIVAL (again in 2024) and to be able to showcase progressive environmental protection solutions and innovative technology projects.


Audi Environmental Foundation at GREENTECH FESTIVAL 2022

Enthusiasm 11/23/2022

Audi Environmental Foundation at GREENTECH FESTIVAL 2022

Under the motto #TogetherWeChange, the GREENTECH FESTIVAL 2022 invited people to join forces for green technologies and offered a stage for sustainable ideas for the future.

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Greentech Festival: innovative solutions against water pollution by plastic

Enthusiasm 06/18/2021

Greentech Festival: innovative solutions against water pollution by plastic

For the second time we are participating in the GREENTECH FESTIVAL, a trade fair about green technologies and sustainable lifestyle.

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